Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Occasionally... The Process Does Go Awry!!

This is Rudy. Normally, when I am contacted by a potential client, we go over whether there are any elements/scenarios they might like to see in a poster. Occasionally, I will try to come up with something on my own to get the ball rolling. Occasionally... the wheels come right off the apple cart. This is my "train wreck" poster... an original idea that the client just didn't like... and was trying REALLY hard not to hurt my feelings! Take a look at the file that went to the printers (the second image where Rudy is hovering gently over a field of daisies) and the one I originally sent to this client (a poster with a very different feel)...Hard to believe that these two posters were designed for the same client! The point is that we eventually ended up on the same page. LOL.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Same Dog... Different Feel

Since the "clip art" bulldog in the last entry turned out ok, I figured I'd try and use a style of coloring that is a little more reminiscent of my usual style in Illustrator. Here he is.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

From Long and Lean... to Stout and Mean!

I'm always looking for opportunities to expand my experiences in Adobe Illustrator and, when I found a website that allows you to submit designs for t-shirts, posters and logos, I decided to join. Despite a constant influx of open competitions through this site, I am looking primarily for opportunities to designs products that include dogs or other animals. When I found an open competition to design a t-shirt for a football team called the "bulldawgs", I decided to give it a try. Bulldogs are so different from the long lines of greyhounds, that I initially had a little trouble. After downloading a photograph of a bulldog, I was able to put together the first image (hand drawn - not clip art). This particular bulldog represents a slightly different style for me. I almost never outline my images in black (a little too harsh for my tastes), but I was pretty happy with how this one came out. However, after some amount of playing around, the designs I eventually submitted looked quite different from the original dog.

The client also wanted a pair of angel's wings in the design. About a year ago, I found an online tutorial about designing wings in Illustrator. I finally got to use them! My submitted design (one of roughly a dozen) is being decided upon as I write this. Wish me luck!